

This page contains Colorado urban legends collected from all over Colorado. The information contained within them has not been verified or researched, unless you see a link guiding you to the related article within the “Truth” section of the website which will contain the researched history behind the story. Colorado Urban Legends does not present the information provided within this section as truth or historical fact as they are provided for entertainment purposes only.

If you visit any of these locations, please respect private property and use common sense. Take only pictures and leave only footsteps behind.

haunted Victor Hotel in Victor, CO

The Haunted Victor Hotel

The Haunted Victor Hotel Located on Victor Avenue in the old mining town of Victor, CO sits the Victor Hotel ...
A Masonic grave at Silver Cliff Cemetery where the ghost lights have been seen

The Ghost Lights of Silver Cliff Cemetery

The Ghost Lights of Silver Cliff Cemetery 56 miles west of Pueblo, Co, just south of Highway 96, lies the ...
Train bridge outside of Bennett, Colorado where the lost locomotive of Kiowa Creek may lie under

The Legend of the Lost Locomotive of Kiowa Creek

The Legend of the Lost Locomotive of Kiowa Creek A few miles east of Bennett, CO a train horn sounds ...

The Gates of Hell

The Gates of Hell The tall, rusted iron gates let the curious know they are in the right spot.  Not ...